Publications based on Imita

Several studies, published in international journals or in international edited books, have used Imita.db for their research mainly since 2006, when the book Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century was published (Giannetti and Vasta 2006). Below you will find a list of pubblications, rich but not exhaustive, based on Imita.db.


  • Giannetti, R. and Vasta, M., Storia dell’impresa italiana, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012.
  • Colli, A. and Vasta, M. (eds), Forms of Enterprise in Twentieth century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2010.
  • Giannetti, R. and Vasta, M. (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006.
  • Giannetti, R. and Vasta, M., Storia dell’impresa industriale italiana, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005.
  • Giannetti, R. and Vasta, M. (eds), L’impresa italiana nel Novecento, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003.

Journal articles

  • Drago, C., Ricciuti, R., Rinaldi, A. and Vasta, M., “Reassessing the bank industry relationship in Italy, 1913-1936: a counterfactual analysis”, Cliometrica11 (2), 2017, pp. 183-216.
  • Colli, A., Rinaldi, A. and Vasta, M., “The only way to grow? Italian Business groups in historical perspective”, Business History58 (1), 2016, pp. 30-48.
  • Colli, A. and Vasta, M., “Large and entangled: Italian business groups in the long run”, Business History, 57 (1), 2015, pp. 64-95.
  • Di Martino, P. and Vasta, M., “Wealthy by accident? Firm structure, institutions and economic performance in 150 (+3) years of Italian history: Introduction to the special forum”, Enterprise & Society, 16 (2), 2015, pp. 215-224.
  • Rinaldi, A. and Vasta, M., “The Italian corporate network after the “Golden Age” (1972-1983): from centrality to marginalization of State-owned enterprises”, Enterprise & Society, 13 (2), 2012, pp. 378-413.
  • Rinaldi, A. and Vasta, M., “State-owned Enterprises in the Italian corporate network, 1972-1983”, Business and Economic History On-line, vol. 7, 2009.
  • Rinaldi, A. and Vasta, M., “The structure of Italian capitalism, 1952-1972: new evidence using the interlocking directorates technique”, Financial History Review, 12.2, 2005, pp. 173-198.
  • Baccini, A. and Vasta, M., “Bank and Industry in Italy 1911-1936: new evidences using interlocking directorates technique,” Financial History Review, n. 4, 1997, pp. 139-159.

Book chapters

  • Rinaldi, A. and Vasta, M., Persistent and Stubborn: The State in Italian Capitalism, 1913-2001, in T. David, G. Westerhuis (eds), The Power of Corporate Networks. A Comparative and Historical Perspective, Routledge, New York, 2014, pp. 169-188.
  • Toninelli, P.A. and Vasta, M., Size, boundaries, and distribution of Italian State-Owned Enterprise (1939-1983), in F. Amatori, R. Milward and P.A. Toninelli (eds.), Reappraising State-Owned Enterprise. A compararison of the UK and Italy, Routledge, New York, 2011, pp. 68-99.
  • Giannetti, R. and Vasta, M., Big Business (1913-2001), in A. Colli, M. Vasta (eds), Forms of Enterprise in Twentieth century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2010, pp. 25-51.
  • Toninelli, P.A. and Vasta, M., State owned enterprises (1936-83), in A. Colli, M. Vasta (eds), Forms of Enterprise in Twentieth century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2010, pp. 52-86.
  • Colli, A, Foreign enterprises (1913-72), in A. Colli, M. Vasta (eds), Forms of Enterprise in Twentieth century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2010, pp. 87-111.
  • Conte, L. and Piluso, G., Financing the largest Italian manufacturing firms: Ownership, Equity, and Debt (1936-2001), in A. Colli, M. Vasta (eds), Forms of Enterprise in Twentieth century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2010, pp. 132-158.
  • Castellucci, L. and Giannetti, R., ‘Leaping frogs’ in the demography of the Italian manufacturing firms (1911-71), in A. Colli, M. Vasta (eds), Forms of Enterprise in Twentieth century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2010, pp. 227-247.
  • Lavista, F., the medium-sized manufacturing enterprise (1927-81), in A. Colli, M. Vasta (eds), Forms of Enterprise in Twentieth century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2010, pp. 248-269.
  • Toninelli, P.A. and Vasta, M., Public enterprise and the Rise of Services: Networks and Performance of Italian Big Business, in J. Clifton, F. Comin, D. Diaz Fuentes (eds), Transforming Public Enterprise in Europe and the Americas: Transnationalisation and Integration, Palgrave, 2006, pp. 44-61.
  • Giannetti, R. and Vasta, M., The concentration of the industrial structure (1913–1971), in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 49-61.
  • Giannetti, R. and Velucchi, M., The demography of manufacturing firms (1911–1971), in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 63-86.
  • Vasta, M., The largest 200 manufacturing firms (1913–2001), in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 87-110.
  • Bargigli, L. and Vasta, M., Ownership and control in Italian capitalism (1911–1972), in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 111-152.
  • Vasta, M., Firm performance (1900–1971), in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 153-189.
  • Federico, G. and Toninelli, P.A., Business strategies from Unification up to the 1970s, in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 191-238.
  • Rinaldi, A., Entrepreneurs and managers (1913–1972), in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 239-263.
  • Giannetti, R. and Vasta, M., Conclusions, in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 265-268.
  • Vasta, M., Appendix: the source and the Imita.db dataset, in R. Giannetti, M. Vasta (eds), Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century, Heidelberg-New York, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2006, pp. 269-273.