Notizie Statistiche representativeness (1911-1983)*
Year | no. | Share capital | no. | Share capital | % no. | % Share capital |
1911 | 787 | 4.039 | 2.836 | 5.363 | 27.8 | 75.3 |
1913 | 1.241 | 4.49 | 3.069 | 5.643 | 40.4 | 79.6 |
1921 | 3.072 | 19.452 | 6.191 | 20.351 | 49.6 | 95.6 |
1927 | 4.464 | 38.488 | 13.201 | 42.253 | 33.8 | 91.1 |
1936 | 4.227 | 41.646 | 19.353 | 44.805 | 21.8 | 92.9 |
1952 | 6.162 | 1,878,899 | 24.006 | 1,926,082 | 25.7 | 97.6 |
1960 | 6.352 | 5,826,246 | 34.199 | 5,997,365 | 18.6 | 97.1 |
1972 | 11.783 | 12,402,701 | 45.089 | 13,398,886 | 26.1 | 92.6 |
1983° | 5.566 | 78,219,570 | 55.258 | 93,901,044 | 10.1 | 83.3 |
Legend: share capital values are in millions of current Lira. * Few Enti and Istituti di credito di diritto pubblico, such as Banca d’Italia, Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni (INA), Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI) and Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI), included in the Notizie Statistiche and in the IMITA.db, but excluded from the reference data for the universe are excluded from the calculations. ° Data on the universe for 1983 are estimated since this data is not available. Methods for this estima-tion are presented by (Cerise (Centro di ricerca interuniversitario per gli studi economici applicati) 2006). The information about the universe of the Italian companies was computed once again only from the mid-1990s by Cerved. Source: elaborations on IMITA.db and Assonime (1984).